Top 10 tips for pleasing the pickiest toddler

Top 10 tips for pleasing the pickiest toddler - Parents often complain that there children just aren't interested in eating healthy foods, preferring instead to stick to a handful of favourites. Below are 10 tips to get the correct nutrients into the pickiest of eaters:

1. Offer small amounts of many different foods

Toddlers will notoriously put unusual bite sized objects in their mouths whether they are edible or not. So they are more likely to graze if confronted with a variety of different coloured and shaped foods.

Apple moons, banana slices, small broccoli trees or carrot sticks are more likely to tempt youngsters than a plate of nutritious, yet bland baby mush.

2. Offer dips

Most toddlers won't give up the chance to dip any object in something wet or gloopy. Cottage cheese, peanut butter or even pureed fruits can offer a way to get carrot or celery batons into the most obstinate youngster.

3. Turn it into a drink

Blending fruits and vegetables into drinks - with a straw - can often entice children to eat things which would usually make them turn up their noses. And it is an excellent way to sneak in supplements such as, egg powder, wheat germ, yogurt, honey, and peanut butter

4. Cut up food

How much a child will eat often depends on how you cut it. Cut sandwiches, pancakes, waffles, and pizza into various shapes using cookie cutters.

5. Get kids interested in vegetables

Encouraging your child to plant a garden and help care for plants before eating them will fire their interest in fruit and vegetables. Showing them pictures of food first can also encourage unwilling youngsters to try unknown foods.

6. Bear in mind how small kid's stomachs are

A young child's stomach is approximately the size of his fist. So dole out small portions at first and refill the plate when your child asks for more.

7. Make eating easier

Toddlers are often encouraged to sit at the table but dangling feet can make them restless. Maintaining a child table separate to the adults can improve dinner times.

8. Let them cook

Children are more likely to eat their own creations, so, when appropriate, let your child help prepare the food.Young hands are more than capable of tearing and washing lettuce, scrubbing potatoes, or stirring batter.

9. Pick the right foods

Choose foods that are high in nutrients so that a little goes a long way. The best are:

  • Avocados
  • Pasta
  • Broccoli
  • Peanut butter
  • Brown rice and other grains
  • Potatoes
  • Cheese
  • Poultry
  • Eggs
  • Squash
  • Fish
  • Sweet potatoes
  • Kidney beans
  • Tofu
  • Yogurt

10. Camouflage

If all else fails try the old standby of "cheese in the trees" cheese melted on steamed broccoli florets. ( )

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