Do-it-yourself body cleansing - When we practice healthy lifestyle habits, we try to eat a wholesome nutritious diet and keep a regular exercise program. But, we tend to overlook an important lifestyle aspect, which can be as critical to wellness in this modern day of synthetic chemicals, additives in food and beauty products, plastic water bottles and food containers, medical drugs, environmental pollutions, and mental and physical stressors. Because we have become accustomed to popping pharmaceutical medication to cure disease (a pill for a headache or sleep and recreational drugs and caffeine to keep us alert and awake), we have neglected natural personal care, body cleansing, relaxation, drinking water, and even adequate breathing.
To counteract such ubiquitous bombardment, we need a detoxification plan to purify our bodies and restore health from the visible and invisible daily assaults of harmful substances, infections, and negative emotions, which interfere with wellness, energy, and health, leading to stress, autoimmune disorders, allergies, and physical and mental illnesses.
Body cleansing and spiritual purification have been practiced by many ancient cultures and religions for millenniums much before our modern age of technology and manipulated foods. Islam and all Abrahamic faiths ordained fasting for the purification of the soul as well as the body. A scientific study found that Mormons who fasted one Sunday a month had less risk of heart attacks. We learn from this study that fasting works to our health benefit.
When we were little, I remember being coerced to gulping down purgative oil. The entire family had to go through the same procedure. We had to abstain from solids for one whole day, except for clear soup and fresh fruit and vegetable juices. It was collective punishment. I was too young then to see or feel the benefits of the “torturous” process. There are, of course, different age-old methods as well as new techniques to protect us from such relentless vicious strikes. With trends of fasts and body detoxifications appearing recently, I decided today to explore the subject and help revive such healthy old practice.
Toxins do not attack us solely from the outside. Toxins also result internally from normal body functions like breathing, eating, microbe invasions, indigestion, and constipations, producing free radicals (mutated cells). Unless reversed regularly with antioxidants, such cells overwhelm and harm the body and can turn cancerous.
Contaminants are also everywhere and in everything we eat, drink, breathe, wear and use (pesticides, additives in food and water, fumes, uninflammable clothes, beauty care and household products). All these contribute to slow poisoning, turning our bodies against us (autoimmune diseases, neurological disorders, cancer). Should we become passive and remain helpless?
Well, natural healing recommends fasts to detoxify. Some suggest just fresh organic fruit juice, herbal infusions, and plenty of purified water; others fruit and vegetable juices plus water for three days. Fruit, vegetables, and water are effective detoxifiers. Internal organs need to be cleansed to improve their functions. Such fasts have made a comeback, because they detoxify cells and digestive tract; invigorate organs; and clear the skin from blemishes.
The digestive system is our first line of defense. Fresh organic fruit and vegetable (carrot, cabbage, sprouts, dark greens, barley grass, cucumber, etc.) juice fasts and water clear the digestive tract from food debris and toxins in order to relieve burdened colon and liver. Soluble and insoluble fiber in whole fruits and vegetables enrich the intestinal microflora (“good” bacteria) and eliminate food leftovers. Polyphelols in fruits detoxify cells and blood and boost the immune system. Some people occasionally make warm pure water enemas to clear the colon from toxic residue.
The liver is a vital detoxifying organ that needs to be taken care of. Phytochemicals in deep-pigmented fruits (grapes, dates), raw vegetables (dark leafy greens, wheatgrass, seaweed, dandelion, alfalfa, sprouts, artichoke) and legumes clear the liver from toxins and fat, supporting the detoxification process and increasing the production of digestive bile and required nutrients. Organic virgin olive oil (one table spoon on an empty stomach) helps cleanse the liver and improves its functions. A squeeze of lemon in water on an empty stomach in the morning helps cleanse liver and other systems. Herbs and spices or their supplements like milk thistle, burdock, dandelion, fenugreek, artichoke, white and green tea, and turmeric root support the liver and the blood with powerful antioxidants.
While vitamins are good to maintain a healthy liver, mega-doses can burden and harm it as well as antibiotics, anti-inflammatory drugs, statins, alcohol, chemicals, refined sugar and carbohydrates, corn syrup, soda drinks, caffeine, fries and fatty diets.
The kidneys are also important detoxifying organs; they filter blood and flush toxins with urine. Drinking enough pure water helps the kidneys get rid of excessive salts and harmful waste. Blended parsley with water or celery and parsley infusions several times a day have diuretic effects to clear the kidneys of poisonous substances and help excrete stones. The cure is also nourishing. Asparagus is another kidney detoxifier. Clear organic vegetable stock purifies and supports the blood and kidneys with important minerals.
Cranberry juice without sugar inhibits the adherence of bacteria to the urinary tract, thus reducing infections, preventing toxins from circulating in the bloodstream and harming organs and body.
Caution! In the presence of liver or kidney disorders, you should consult your doctor before initiating any type of fast.
The lymph system along with the sweat glands detoxify through perspiration, eliminating toxins and excess salts. Their functions are stimulated by physical exercises and plenty of water intake, fresh organic fruit juices and herbal infusions (mint, rosemary, thyme, lemon grass, aromatic seeds, ginger).
Water lubricates the eyes; clears a blocked nose; and prevents constipation, acid reflux, and dehydration. Water deficiency causes cellular dehydration, which in turn floods the body with histamines, inhibiting thirst sensation and intensifying pain threshold (headache, sinusitis).
Because toxins and stress inhibit white cell activity, burden the endocrine (glandular) system, and deplete nutrients (vitamin C), aerobic exercise is important to stimulate perspiration and the lymphatic system through muscle contraction, releasing toxins and stress. Physical training encourages the secretion of endorphins, the “feel good” hormone. Exercise also causes the breakdown of fat where toxins are deposited.
Yoga poses such as body twists help free harmful substances and make muscles and ligaments more flexible, dissipating stressful negative emotions usually embedded in muscles. Deep breathing enriches the blood with oxygen and eliminates carbon dioxide, expanding the lungs; enhancing blood flow; and reducing stress hormones. Remember, stress counteracts fasts by deterring the detoxification process.
Due to the effects of steam, Turkish baths and sauna help purify the body and skin through sweating and drawing out toxins. A vigorous body massage with olive oil or sesame oil mixed with a drop or two of lemon essential oil to detoxify; two drops of lavender essential oil to relax and de-stress; and two drops of ginger essential oil to invigorate the blood circulation can work wonders by detoxifying, relaxing, and energizing. A recent study showed that moderate massages stimulate the secretion of a relaxing hormone.
Last but not least is cutting down on environmental pollutants such as smoking, caustic detergents (use diluted white vinegar to clean glass panes and ceramic tiles), and deodorizing chemical and pesticide sprays. Strive for a cleaner, more natural environment and organic food for you and your family.
Find cosmetics and personal care products free of pthalates, perfumes, and parabens on the web. Increase the amount of indoor plants in your home and plant big trees and flowers outdoors. Plants are powerful detoxifiers. They purify your air; increase oxygen; beautify your surrounding; and reclaim the balance of our ecosystem. Your health relies on a clean, toxin-free environment. ( )
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